
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fiddlejammer tunes - maintenance underway

Hi y'all,

Well outdoor festival season, at least in these parts, is on the wane. My attention goes to the part of my web work, which is about 5 needed upgrades behind. So, those of you who are looking for my festival recordings, will see a mish-mosh of oddness as I upgrade some software, kill some bugs, and play around with some new designs. And, for those of you checking in, for the time being, clicking on the 'JAM?' logo to the right will still display some mp3 music links, warts and all.

Hey, if you're really in need of some good content and food for thought, this site about working as a musician is a good one -

1 comment:

Ter said...

Hey, the tunes should be working now. Enjoy.